Monday, December 13, 2010

Resolution 2011

I find it interesting how, even after 25 years, people never cease to surprise me. Our ability to forgive and our ability to hold grudges. Our ability to be sweet in person and then talk about each other behind our backs. How the people we love disappoint us and the people who we almost never gave a chance to can change our world. Our ability to completely disregard and discard others. In the past year I've been discarded by someone who was supposed to love me, degraded behind my back by those who would never say those words to my face, and been told by a close friend that my efforts at continuing our friendship make her feel "guilty." And during the same year, I've had acquaintances reach out to me during the darkest time in my last 5 years, friends make me laugh when I'm sure I was depression personified, and strangers try to console me during a loss. I've been on both sides, good and bad, giver and receiver, and I've decided to make this my New Years Resolution. Yes, I know its a few weeks early for this, but its my blog and I can do what I want. Besides, the upcoming weeks are going to require me to utilize these skills, so it can be practice for the New Year. In 2011 I am going to: forgive more easily, be more transparent, be more appreciative of those who have been there for me, and most importantly, move on from the past. Because the moral of the story is...holding grudges doesn't do anything except hold me back.