Friday, September 3, 2010

#26 and 27

So "27 Things to do While I'm 25" doesn't have quite the same ring to it that "25 Things" does, but during my mini-vacay to Orlando this week I did two things I've never done before. Therefore I decided it was worth it to add items 26 and 27 to my Bucket List, if only to cross them off and make myself feel more accomplished. So here they are:

26. Sing kareoke

27. Skinny dip in a public pool

I was a kareoke virgin prior to this week and I can now say I have participated twice. Though I must admit I haven't quite grown the balls to showcase my "talent" solo yet. My inaugural kareoke ready for this? "Don't Turn Around" by Ace of Base and "Part of Your World" from the Little Mermaid. Classics indeed. I actually didn't choose the first...Ian was bestowed that honor...and I'll admit, was a bit of a trainwreck. But my, Meagan and Christina's rendition of "Part of Your World" was met with much audience participation and cheers. So I consider it a success.

Oh yeah, and you're not getting details about #27.

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