Monday, July 18, 2011


I know, I know, its been much longer than it should've been since my last post. And even more importantly, I missed my two-week weight check in. So instead, here's my 18-day check in. I got on the scale this morning and I've lost three pounds, not too shabby! I'm not going to put my measurements up because I know they haven't changed, but I will check them again at the next check-in point. And hopefully my dedication will have improved by then. I've been great about watching what I eat and cutting out some of the extra calories but I haven't quite made significant strides in my work out plan. But I found what seems like a really great, simple work out that I can do at home in Women's Health so I'm going to try to kick that into gear after these next two days at work. But right now, I'm going to be happy with my 3 lbs!

I had the most amazing day last Thursday. To start it off, one of my absolute favorite artists, Kate Voegele, came to Tampa on tour with Natasha Bedingfield so my roommate and I went down to Ybor for the concert. It was in a smallish, standing room only venue which I love because it gives off such a more intimate vibe. We went early and had a few "Pocketful of Sunshines" (the drink special of the day, ha) and then ran to stage as soon as the doors opened. We managed to grab spots right at the stage, in front of the mic. An artist named Andy Grammer opened first. I'd never heard of him before, but he was certainly easy on the eyes and a lot of his stuff was really catchy. Certainly worth a download and another listen. And it was all I could do to keep Meagan from jumping on the stage and on him!

Next was Miss Voegele herself. If her name sounds familiar, she occasionally guest-stars on One Tree Hill and has for a number of years. Thats how I first discovered her years ago but my appreciation for her voice and song-writing ability has grown so much. Her third album came out in May and its amazing. She mostly sang songs off that album but a couple from her previous two. The girl is maybe 5'2" and weighs possibly 90 lbs soaking wet but such a powerful voice comes from that little body!

And finally, the fabulous Natasha Bedingfield took the stage. I've always enjoyed her music (Pocketful of Sunshine has been one of my phone's most used ringtones for the past number of years) but have never given her much thought past what I heard on the radio. I have to admit, she absolutely blew me away in person. Her voice was crazy powerful and she had great stage presence. I'm definitely a fan now!

But the absolute highlight of my night was that after they sang, Andy and Kate came out to meet the fans, take pictures and sign autographs. We went to meet Andy because he was out first and Meagan had to see her 'future husband' up close. Plus, hey, he could be a big deal one day and then we can say we met him way back when! This pic of the three of us actually ended on his facebook page so we're famous! Then Kate came out and I must have elbowed a crowd of people out of the way, haha. Most of the time I'm too nervous to say anything but "great show!" to artists I meet but I actually made an effort to be coherent and got to talk to her for a minute. She was so cute and sweet. I'd stolen her set list off the stage after her set and got her to sign that and her CD. I hope more of the world hears of her soon and begins to appreciate her as much as I do!

And we can't forget the final piece of excitement that night: the final Harry Potter film! We actually had to leave the concert before Natasha's set was over because we wanted to make it back to the theatre a couple hours before the midnight show started to get good seats. And after meeting up with Meagan's coworker and spending the next hour and a half discussing the previous night's So You Think You Can Dance episode, the moment I'd been both waiting for and dreading begun. And it was fabulous. A few minor changes that didn't deviate too far from the books and all of the major highlights we'd been waiting to see ("Not my daughter, you bitch!"). I can't believe its over and now I want to go back and reread the entire series. And rush back to the theatre as soon as possible. Harry has been a part of my life for the last 15 years between the books and the movies...what am I going to do without anything new to look forward to?

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