Tuesday, July 5, 2011

31 days to go...

So here we are, July 5th, exactly one month from my birthday. My birthday is my favorite day of the year (because its all about ME of course!) and I'm excited its come around once more. However, this also means that I have only 1 month left to complete my 25 Things to do while I'm 25 list and its not looking like I'm going to be able to finish it. But here's an update on what I've completed and what I still have to go:

1. Start a new career.

2. Move to a new city. 

3. Donate blood. 

4. Blog. 

5. Begin learning Spanish. I've started very slowly, and just with a few words/phrases that are helpful at work, but I'm definitely planning to continue!

6. Take dance classes again. 

7. Get more stamps in my passport. 

8. Read more of the classics. 

9. Learn to cook new dishes

10. Complete the full 3 consecutive months of p90x. Alright, so I didn't do this, but back in the fall I completed the first full month and I've now got my work out motivation back, which is basically what this goal was all about. So if I can keep my dedication for my Europe diet through my birthday, I'm going to consider this accomplished.

11. Buy art. 

12. Do something completely out of character. I think at least half of this list counts for me!

13. Make new friends. 

14. Keep in touch with old friends. 

15. Get SCUBA certified. My friend and I are trying to get this done before Europe but I don't think its going to happen unfortunately. But if I am able to even schedule these classes before my birthday, I'm gonna say it counts!

16. Finally get the last tattoo I want...or decide I'm too old to get a new tattoo. I think I'm getting it. I think. Now I've just actually got to do it!

17. Date more. 

18. Actually train my dog to do something.  I've got him to army crawl to me whenever I get on the floor, its just not actually on command. Does that count??

19. Kiss in the rain. Why is this so impossible???

20. Be an extra in another film. Alas, not going to happen. It will be a future goal for sure though!

21. Change someone's life for the better. 

22. Go horseback riding on the beach. Another one that will have to go on a future list...

23. Come to peace with last March, and all things from the past. 

24. Save a life. 

25. Kick a USF fan in the shins. 

So 1 month to go and 6 things left to accomplish. Two that won't happen for sure but I should be able to accomplish the others! I hope! And technically I did add numbers 26 and 27 after the fact, so if I trade those out for the two that I won't have time to do...does that still count as 25 things?? Hmm. I've got some work to do!

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