Monday, June 6, 2011

Apologies all around

I've been an absentee blogger for a few months now and I apologize. I've been adjusting to my new work and trying to throw myself into other things, and sadly my little pocket of the web has been badly neglected. But I am back with some new outlooks! Plus, I've discovered a few friends with their own little corners on here and I so enjoy being a voyeur into their worlds its given me more motivation to give you a bit of a peak into mine.

So where to possibly begin? I am officially a full-fledged Neuroscience nurse at TGH now. I spent just over a month with my awesome preceptor, Rabina, as she tried to adjust me to the world of paper charting (which is an incredibly foreign world for me) and then with very little warning I was pushed from the nest! Things have been going well though. The girls on the floor were all very welcoming and I'm comfortable going to them with questions. The hardest part for me is always learning the doctors and knowing who to call in the right situation and that just has to come with time. I can't believe I've been there for 2.5 months already! So stayed tuned to see how work continues to pan out!

Life socially has also been good. Last weekend for Memorial Day one of my best friends from back home came to visit all her friends in the Bay area and I got to spend some quality time with her and a few of her sorority sisters from college. Here's us in downtown St Pete:

I will never have enough good things to say about my Alyson! We have been close since we met in second grade and she's been there for me through thick and thin. Of all of my friends I know that I can tell her anything and it will not change our friendship. She might whip me into shape or tell me what I'm doing wrong but it won't change our friendship or how she sees me. Which is pretty much the best quality you could ever ask for in a friend. And lucky she did come down, because I may have needed a little Aly beating! Ha. Another fabulous thing about Aly is she was just as obsessed with Backstreet Boys as I was circa 1999 and this July we will finally be seeing them in concert - something that has been at least 12 years in the making! Oh, yeah NKOTB might be there too, but who really cares about that part??

Other exciting friend news...most of you should know, but I was a sorority girl in college. Yes, I was one of those girls. An Alpha Delta Pi Diamond to be exact! And I just found out last weekend that my "Big Sister" in ADPi got engaged! I'm so excited for her!! And what makes it even more exciting (for me, ha) is that she asked me to be a bridesmaid! Lisa and I have always had a really good relationship and we're always there for each other but we always had a lot going on in our lives and different social circles outside the sorority so we've never been constant in each others lives. But the love is definitely still there and I feel really honored that she's asked me to stand up with her on her big day. It's funny because I was actually talking with my sister this weekend about weddings and being a bridesmaid because some of her friends from college are getting married and I mentioned that I can't think of the next time I would have the opportunity to be in a wedding...that it certainly wouldn't be for a long time. Boy was I wrong! So I can't wait for the wedding festivities to begin!

One of the most fun things that's happened to me lately...I went to the Taylor Swift concert in Orlando this weekend! Awhile back I posted about my love for Ms. TSwift and I was so thrilled to be able to attend the concert. My parents and sister drove down for the event and we each invited a friend. Of course I asked my country-loving roommate to tag along! She put on an amazing show and I was so happy to hear all of my favorites from the new album played. The best part is that I've been able to put most of memories I connect with her songs away for the concert and just enjoy the moment. Though I can't deny a few tears escaped on Last Kiss. Damn that song! Here's some pictures from before and during the concert.

Well I think that was plenty from me for now! Now its time to start preparing for Book Club tonight and then hopefully fitting in some Bachelorette viewing before bed tonight!

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