I have been a busy, busy bee working on my list lately. I'm sure it probably seems as though there's not much else going on in my life, but quite the contrary - I've been a busy bee in all areas of my life lately! I completed my first month of grad school in April and got A's in both Pathophysiology and Health Promotion! I'm about two weeks into my second semester now...taking Pharmacology and Health Systems this summer. Haven't gotten a good feel for either of them yet, but I've gotten full credit for everything so far. Outside of work and school I've got plenty going on as well. Yesterday I completed my very first "fun run"which is quite an accomplishment for a girl who does not only NOT run, but very much DISLIKES running. But I always said if I was going to do one of those, it would be a color run because who doesn't want to look like they've been smeared around on an artist's pallet, right? Haha. So when Color Me Rad came to Tampa and a big group of my friends decided to do it, I bit the bullet and signed up too. As you can see below, we started off very clean but it didn't take us long to get colored!! In fact I think at least half our group got color bombed before our heat even begun!
So back to the list! One thing I put on the list that I thought would be incredibly useful, but that I wasn't sure how to learn or if I would be able to remember it was #20 Learn how to change a tire. Well, thank goodness a friend remembered it was on my list because about a week ago I got a call to prepare to get dirty because he was on his way over and was ready to teach me to change a tire!

I admit I was a bit apprehensive because, lets be honest, even though I had complete faith in his teaching abilities, I wasn't necessarily confident in my own (questionable) mechanical skills. But he took his time, showing me not only what to do next but explaining the rationale behind everything. The two biggest things I took away: if I have to jump on the wrench to loosen the lug nuts, I should probably jump on the wrench to make sure they're secured as tightly as possible when I put them back on (i.e. Kristen isn't known for her upper body strength). And two, make sure when I put the lug nuts back on, I should reattach them in a "star pattern" and this needs to be done TWICE to make sure the wheel is secure.
Admittedly, I did make him ride with me in the car for my first trip after my wheel was reattached just in case something went wrong, but I have been riding on it for a few weeks now with no problems! I'm very exciting about my newly acquired handy-girl skill!
And lastly, I did my first day of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred (goal #26)! I'm going to be up front...realistically its going to be a 40 Day Shred or so for me because a) I was so sore after my first day that I had to skip a day before being able to do day 2 and b) no matter how good my intentions, I doubt I'm going to get up 20 mins early before EVERY 12 hour shift for the next month to make sure I get the work out in. But I'm going to do my best! I took my weight and measurements and I'm hoping between that and working out an additional diet/exercise plan with Tiffany this week, I will also be on my way to #5 Lose 3 inches off my waist/hipline. Wish me luck!!

Thumbs up after sweating it out to my first SHRED session!
Coming in June: #6 Go zipling and #25 Go to my 10 Year High School Reunion! I'm getting excited!!
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