Sunday, March 18, 2012

Four Leaf Clovers and Other Irish Things

I celebrated St. Patrick's Day for the very first time this year. I'm part Irish (you may or may not be able to tell...but once you see my redheaded sister you will have no doubt) so I don't really have an excuse for this, but considering I abstain from all carbonated drinks, green beer has just never had a particular allure for me. But this year it fell on a Saturday, I happened to have a three day weekend with no major plans, and I had a green dress hanging in my closet (see above) so I felt as if the stars had finally aligned. I spent the earlier part of the eve at a bar-b-que at my roommate's parent's house in Orlando, stuffing my face with delicious food and acquiring an adequate buzz and then we headed downtown to meet some friends. We frequented some really random bars and my night ended sitting on a curb outside of Corona Cigar Bar drinking riesling and discussing fantasy novels with my friend Donny. I love how excited some guys get when they realize I love fantasy. Yes, I do have some more mainstream and occasionally girly tastes that run towards the Harry Potter/Twilight/Buffy the Vampire Slayer end of the spectrum, but I love the more nerdy Lord of the Rings/Game of Thrones fantasy worlds as well. From vampires and demons, to theology and mythology based stories, to the recent fad of dystopian societies (i.e. Hunger Games and Divergent), I can hold my own in a fantasy discussion with the best of them. One day I will make it to Comic Con and my life will probably be complete. And I am secure enough in my femininity to say that. After a relatively low-key evening as nights out in downtown Orlando go, I came back to Tampa today and spend the afternoon doing one of my favorite activities: lounging at the pool (see below). I am not a naturally tan person by nature (as is plainly shown) but if I continue to be able to work on it at least twice a week, I'm hoping to be able to get there. Though my "work" days may have to switch to week days...the pool is decidedly less zen when there are about a dozen screaming, running, and splashing kids constantly circling. God bless school days and me not having to work those days!

In others news...I got my one-year annual review at work this week. They like me! They really, really like me! I've always gotten along well at jobs in the past but I've often found that my work style has not always meshed well with my management's style. I feel like on 9A, and in nursing in general, I've finally found a career that my personality and autonomy will thrive in. Not only are they happy with my performance the last year, but they want me to further my education, become more involved on the floor, and take on more responsibility. On one hand its a little scary, but its also very exciting. I'm already Kristen, RN, I ready to add clinical ladder, official preceptor, charge nurse, and possibly MSN to the list? I guess 2012 is the year to find out!


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