It's been awhile since I've done a 'Favorite Things' post so even though its a couple weeks late, here is my Favorite Things: Oscar edition.

1. My favorite dress of the evening goes to Amy Adams. I love the soft blue color against her pale skin and red hair. I love the way the bodice fits and I absolutely love the full, feathered skirt. It's perfect for the event, but could I also see this in white as a wedding dress? Absolutely.
2. Les Miserables cast performance. If you haven't yet seen this movie, you need to put down the computer right this moment and drive to the theatre. Granted, you're going to want to make sure you've got at least 3 hours to kill and know ahead of time that the entire movie is sung. But with those two things in mind, it was definitely one of the most captivating movies I've seen in a long time. The Oscars focused a lot on the return of the musical and when the cast of Les Mis took the stage and sang, I had goosebumps.
3. Samantha Barks. Most of you know that for years now I've had a bit of a crush on Keira Knightley. Can't put my finger on it, but something about her off-beat beauty and pouty mouth has always captivated me. But ever since seeing Les Mis, seeing her red carpet interview, and watching her sing with the cast at the Oscars, Samantha Barks, who plays Eponine in Les Mis (and was actually plucked from the London stage where she was playing the same role, to play it in the movie), has grabbed my attention. Apparently I have a thing for abnormally skinny, British women? I never thought I had a big thing for accents, but maybe I was wrong. Here they are side by side. What do you think?
4. Jennifer Lawrence. Who isn't captivated by the Girl on Fire these days? She caught my attention playing Katniss in The Hunger Games but she really impressed me as Tiffany in Silver Linings Playbook. I had very little expectations walking into that movie, but it was definitely a winner all around. But more than her roles, I love her completely humble and self-depricating personality. I hope she never changes! These are two of my favorite videos from the night: her answering reporters questions after her win and her run-in with Jack Nicholson backstage.