As I mentioned in my very first blog ever, Imitation is the Greatest form of Flattery, so in upcoming entries I've decided to adopt things from other blogs that I read and enjoy and bring them over to my side of the blogosphere. I came across this in a new blog I started to follow and it reminded me of those chain emails friends used to send in middle school and early high school (which I loved, btw) so I thought I'd slap it on my blog and let yall learn some fun random facts you may or may not know.
Ambition: happiness and security
Bad Habit: picking at my cuticles
City: Tampa
Bad Habit: picking at my cuticles
City: Tampa
Drink: Chick-fil-a lemonade
Education: BA in Psych and BS in Nursing
Food: Mexican food or chocolate dessert with nuts
Guilty Pleasure: bad tv
Hometown: Tallahassee, Florida
Ice Cream: prefer fro-yo esp TCBY or my new fav Yogurtology
Jonesing for: a "big spoon"
Kryptonite: having my hair played with
Look-a-like: Amanda Bynes
Movie: The Departed, Pride and Prejudice, The Notebook, Mean Girls
Nickname: Krys, K, KC
Obsession: all things Buffy the Vampire Slayer or written/created by Joss Whedon
Perfume: Provocative Woman by Elizabeth Arden
Quirk: if I drag one foot or bump one arm, I have to do the same to the other side to make it "even"
Regret: For me to know...and to not repeat in the future
Starbucks: Iced Skinny Caramel Macchiato or Nonfat, No whip 3-pump Mocha
Education: BA in Psych and BS in Nursing
Food: Mexican food or chocolate dessert with nuts
Guilty Pleasure: bad tv
Hometown: Tallahassee, Florida
Ice Cream: prefer fro-yo esp TCBY or my new fav Yogurtology
Jonesing for: a "big spoon"
Kryptonite: having my hair played with
Look-a-like: Amanda Bynes
Movie: The Departed, Pride and Prejudice, The Notebook, Mean Girls
Nickname: Krys, K, KC
Obsession: all things Buffy the Vampire Slayer or written/created by Joss Whedon
Perfume: Provocative Woman by Elizabeth Arden
Quirk: if I drag one foot or bump one arm, I have to do the same to the other side to make it "even"
Regret: For me to know...and to not repeat in the future
Starbucks: Iced Skinny Caramel Macchiato or Nonfat, No whip 3-pump Mocha
Thrift Find of the Year: I don't think I've left Express this year without getting at least 60% off everything I bought
University: UCF! Go Knights!!
Vacation: EUROPE!! 9 days away!!
Wine: Riesling please!
X: On to the next!
Years: J'ai 26 ans. (Just felt like busting out the french for some reason)
Zen: is in my king size bed with sateen sheets and my animals curled up next to me
University: UCF! Go Knights!!
Vacation: EUROPE!! 9 days away!!
Wine: Riesling please!
X: On to the next!
Years: J'ai 26 ans. (Just felt like busting out the french for some reason)
Zen: is in my king size bed with sateen sheets and my animals curled up next to me