Monday, August 30, 2010

25 in 365

In March of this year my world changed. I believe it was a Tuesday when my life and my future, as I was convinced it was going to play out, completely exploded in my face. I was broken, unprepared, and more scared and alone than I had ever felt in my life. But with the help of my family, 6 amazing girls in my nursing program, and the 4 best friends a girl could ever ask for, my life very slowly began to turn around and take a new shape.

Well that was 6 months ago and while I still have my setbacks, I'm slowly morphing into a completely new woman who is stronger and bolder then I ever thought I could become. But just feeling like I had the resources to grow was not enough for me. I have always been very cautious about change and I knew I needed to do something drastic to really give myself a head start. So 2 weeks before I turned 25 and graduated from nursing school, and despite having already accepted a job in Orlando, I signed a lease in Tampa and prepared to start fresh.

So here I am. Officially a Tampa resident for the last 3 weeks. But I wanted to not only celebrate my new life with myself, but share it with anyone who wanted to come along for the ride. To do this, I have taken a page from my friend Alyson's book (they say imitation is the highest form of flattery) and decided to write a Bucket List for my 25th year. Twenty-five things I want to accomplish in 365 days. And I decided to blog and share my adventures with all of you.

So here is my list:
1. Start a new career

2. Move to a new city

3. Donate blood

4. Blog

5. Begin learning Spanish

6. Take dance classes again

7. Get more stamps in my passport

8. Read more of the Classics

9. Learn to cook new dishes

10. Complete the full 3 consecutive months of p90x

11. Buy art

12. Do something completely out of character

13. Make new friends

14. Keep in touch with old friends

15. Get SCUBA certified

16. Finally get that last tattoo I want...or finally decide I'm too old to get a new tattoo.

17. Date more

18. Actually train my dog to do least sit!

19. Kiss in the rain

20. Be an extra in another film

21. Change someone's life for the better

22. Go horseback riding on the beach

23. Come to peace with last March, and all things from the past

24. Save a life

25. Kick a USF fan in the shins

So please, come and join me on this adventure. It is sure to be an entertaining ride.
